Wonderful Freak - Final artwork.
By Andrei Robu @andreirobu www.robu.co , Instagram

This was the first sketch. It took me 2mins to lay down the letters.. Then I thought that 3d effect might look cool but it didn't.
I thought the F-f ligature was nice.. I left it on my desk for two days..
Then I thought... that first sketch was too boring. The letters were too simple... nothing special... It needs to be bolder and have some nicer letters.
I drew the Freak first, then had to follow the same angle for Wonderful and keep that F-f Ligature which was a cool find.
Of course I drew it too big and there wasn't enough space on the paper. That's my way of solving the problem. :)

The next day I vectorised the sketch... added the metal gradients in Illustrator then moved to add more shaddows in Photoshop. I went on posting it to Instagram... still wasn't happy with it.. The next day I've freehanded those ornaments in Illustrator and went through the same process in Photoshop... You can see the final artwork below.

Wonderful Freak - Final artwork.
By Andrei Robu @andreirobu www.robu.co , More stuff on my Instagram
By Andrei Robu @andreirobu www.robu.co , More stuff on my Instagram
Hope you guys like it!